Om støtten til forskning
Sådan støtter vi forskningen
鶹 uddeler DKK 550 mio. til forskning. En stor del af bevillingerne går til hjerneforskning, da 鶹s strategi er at gøre Danmark førende indenfor netop dette område ved at støtte danskbaseret forskning, der fører til øget forståelse af hjernen og til bedre forebyggelse, diagnosticering og behandling af hjernesygdomme.
鶹 uddeler støtte til forskere og projekter på baggrund af ansøgninger, der indsendes i åben konkurrence indenfor forskellige støtteområder.
Se hvad vi har støttet i her:

- Kommissorium for 鶹s forsknings- og prisudvalg
1. Formål
Bestyrelsen har nedsat et forsknings- og prisudvalg (FPU), hvis formål er at sikre den overordnede kvalitet i udmøntning af uddelinger og priser i henhold til 鶹s værdiflag, herunder aktiviteter vedrørende The Brain Prize (TBP), samt at rådgive 鶹s bestyrelse i forhold til sundhedsvidenskabelige, forskningsstrategiske og -politiske emner i henhold til fundatsen §6 (c,d,e,f,g,h).
2. Arbejdsopgaver/ansvarsområder
Bestyrelsen fastlægger hvert år udmøntningen af fondens uddelinger ved godkendelse af tilhørende kommissorier.
FPU har ansvaret for:
- At følge implementeringen af kommissorier for virkemidler
- At nye virkemidler godkendes og årligt forelægge den samlede grant portfolioen til godkendelse hos bestyrelse, som også godkender de overordnede budgetmæssige prioriteringer til virkemidlerne.
- At nedsætte et Talentpanel og overvåge panelets arbejde. Talentpanelets sammensætning godkendes af bestyrelsen.
- At bedømme og prioritere sundhedsvidenskabelige forskningsansøgninger som fastsat i bevillingsmandaterne, samt give indstillinger til fondens bestyrelse om anden forskningsstøtte og forskerpriser.
- give.
- At indstille modtagere af TBP til fondens bestyrelse.
- At overse TBP Selection Committees og Advisory Boards arbejde.
- At rådgive bestyrelsen i forhold til forskningsstrategiske og -politiske emner
3. Forsknings- og prisudvalgets sammensætning og udpegning
FPU består af 3 medlemmer. Udvalgets medlemmer udpeges af bestyrelsen blandt de fundatsvalgte medlemmer, som har forskningserfaring. Formanden for udvalget udpeges af fondens bestyrelse.
4. Udpegningsperiode
Medlemmerne af FPU udpeges for en periode på ét år med mulighed for genudpegning. Udpegelsen finder sted på bestyrelsens årsmøde og følger bestyrelsesmedlemmernes normale bestyrelsesperioder.
5. Bedømmelse af ansøgninger
FPU er sammen med forskningsdirektøren ansvarlig for at vurderingen af sundhedsvidenskabelige projekter og ansøgninger får den rette faglige bedømmelse i forhold til virkemidlets mål. Dette kan ske gennem fondens Talentpanel, Grants & Prizes Panel, Internationaliseringspanel eller i form af ad-hoc nedsatte bedømmerpaneler med videnskabelig ekspertise inden for et særligt område. Panelerne har selvstændige kommissorier og for Talentpanelet og Internationaliseringspanel også bevillingsmandater, der godkendes årligt af bestyrelsen. Forskningsdirektøren har ansvaret for, at der til enhver tid er en gruppe af eksterne ad hoc bedømmere med passende kompetencer til rådighed herfor.
Talentpanelet består af 11-15 internationalt anerkendte forskningseksperter uden anden tilknytning til fonden og med faglig ekspertise, som bedst muligt dækker det sundhedsvidenskabelige forskningsområde inden for hvilket bevillingen ønskes tildelt. Medlemmerne i panelet kan maksimalt sidde i panelet i seks år (3+3 år).
Grants & Prizes Panelet består af seks medlemmer, heraf FPU’s tre medlemmer samt tre eksterne medlemmer. Panelets eksterne medlemmer udpeges af bestyrelsen, og det tilstræbes, at halvdelen af panelmedlemmerne er udlændinge med komplementære kompetencer. Formanden for FPU er formand for panelet. FPU’s medlemmer udpeges for en periode på ét år med mulighed for genudpegning jf. reglerne for fondens fundatsvalgte medlemmer, mens de tre eksterne medlemmer udpeges for et år ad gangen med mulighed for genudpegning. De eksterne medlemmer i panelet kan maksimalt sidde i panelet i seks år.
Internationaliseringspanelet består af 2-3 medarbejdere i Grants & Prizes samt ét FPU-medlem per under-panel.
6. Bedømmelse af forskerpriser
Inden for den til enhver tid gældende ”Terms of Reference” varetager FPU bedømmelsen af indstillinger til fondens forskerpriser og afgiver indstilling til 鶹s bestyrelse.
The Brain Prize
Selection Commitee’s (SC) virksomhed er fastlagt i ” Terms of Reference” for TBP og i den særlige instruktions-beføjelse for SC. FPU har på vegne af fondens bestyrelse ansvaret for udarbejdelsen af bestemmelserne for TBP samt at udarbejde og godkende instruktionsbeføjelsen for SC. FPU påser, at SC’s forslag er i overensstemmelse med bestemmelserne for TBP og indstiller SC’s forslag til modtagere af TBP til 鶹s bestyrelse, som træffer den endelige afgørelse.
7. Forretningsorden
FPU fastsætter selv sin forretningsorden.
8. Sekretariat
FPU sekretariatbetjenes af Grants & Prizes.
9. Ændringer af kommissorium og nedlæggelse af udvalget
鶹s bestyrelse træffer beslutning om nedlæggelse og eventuelle ændringer i kommissoriet for FPU ved at beslutte dette på fondens bestyrelsesmøder.
Approved by the Board, 12 March 2024.
- Kommissorium for The Brain Prize Selection Committee
(Kun på engelsk)
- Preamble
Every year, the Lundbeck Foundation awards The Brain Prize to one or up to three brain researchers who have individually or as a team made outstanding contributions to international brain research. The prize is awarded to researchers – regardless of nationality, age and gender for contributions ranging from basic research to clinical research. The prize is 1o million DKK (approximately €1,3 million)EUR.
The purpose of The Brain Prize and related activities is to encourage and reward outstanding international brain research and to stimulate Danish brain research through an enhanced interaction with other international brain researchers. The Brain Prize is also used as a platform for raising awareness of neuroscience and the importance of Brain research amongst the general public.
Prize winners are expected to interact with Danish brain researchers and the international neuroscience community through lectures, seminars, meetings and site visits, or other activities agreed upon with the Lundbeck Foundation. Brain Prize winners also participate in activities to raise awareness of their research in the general public.
The selection of researchers to be recommended for the Prize is made by the Selection Committee. In their consideration of candidates, the Selection Committee must take all necessary care to be true to the provisions for The Brain Prize and the applied definition of ‘Brain Research’.
- Governance
The Selection Committee for the Brain Prize reports to the Lundbeck Foundation Board through the Research and Prize Committee. The Research and Prize Committee meets as a minimum with the selection committee immediately following the meeting. At this meeting, the selection committee will, 1. justify their recommendation of candidates and topic, 2. justify, in extraordinary cases, the decision to award The Prize to more than three candidates, 3. disclose any ethical issues related to the scientific topic or candidates. The selection committee must also provide a written recommendation that addresses these three points to the Research and Prize committee within one week of the meeting at which the recommendation is made. This recommendation must include a description of the procedure, showing that the rules established by the BoDBoD have been observed, and must also include a short statement for each prize winner on the nature and significance of his/her research suitable for a press release.
After receiving the written statements, the Research and Prize Committee ensures that the recommendation has been made in accordance with the provisions and purpose of the Brain Prize and will present the selection committee’s recommendation to the Lundbeck Foundation’s BoD. The BoD may follow or reject the recommendation. If the recommendation is rejected, the Selection Committee can submit a new recommendation. If the Selection Committee cannot provide a new recommendation or if a new recommendation is also rejected, then the prize will not be awarded in that year. The BoD cannot follow the recommendation in part by awarding the prize to some but not all of the recommended candidates. The BoD cannot award the prize to somebody not recommended by the Selection Committee.
The Prize may be awarded to one or shared by two or three scientists who have distinguished themselves through publication of outstanding results in the field of brain research. It is the task of the Selection Committee to decide in each individual case what characterizes the research as outstanding and therefore why it deserves The Brain Prize.
In the present context, ‘brain research’ shall be defined as research on all aspects of normal and pathological conditions of the brain and the rest of the nervous system. This is a broad research field, ranging from molecular biology, cell biology, physiology and pharmacology research through to behavioural and cognitive studies, and clinical research into the brain’s and nervous system’s diseases. Both fundamental and clinical research can include prevention, identification of disease aetiology, pathogenesis and the improvement of diagnostics and treatment.
The prize winners must be active in research. To be considered research active a candidate for The Brain Prize must satisfy at least two of the following criteria:
- Be a paid employee of a university or research institute.
- Run an active research lab.
- Have current grant funding.
- Have published primary research articles within two years of the January selection committee meeting.
The Committee must strive to reduce the risk of unconscious bias and should seek to establish diversity in their selection of candidates for The Brain Prize.
The Prize cannot be awarded to members of the Selection Committee, to Board members or employees at the Lundbeck Foundation.
The Director of The Brain Prize and staff from the Grants and Prizes Department of the Lundbeck Foundation will act as the executive secretariat for the Selection Committee. The secretarial assistance will entail but is not limited to the following tasks:
- Communicating and otherwise posting the call for nominations
- Establishing a nomination module on the website of the Lundbeck Foundation
- Making available all nominations for the Selection Committee
- Assisting in providing all necessary supplementary information needed for the evaluation of nominees, e.g. arranging for external evaluations of nominees, as instructed by the Selection Committee, and arranging for, conducting and upon request presenting bibliometric analyses for individual nominees
- Arranging travel and lodging for the Selection Committee, in connection with meetings and the award ceremony
Providing secretarial assistance to the Selection Committee before, during and after meetings - Making the selection committee aware of any ethical issues relating to potential prize topics and/or candidates.
A call for nominations is sent out with at least 3 months’ notice and at least 8 months before the selection process will come to a conclusion.
The call for nominations is communicated directly by e-mail and/or surface mail to relevant universities and brain research institutions, funding agencies, scientific societies, and selected scientists in the field. It is also communicated by advertisement on the website of the Foundation and its social media channels. It is expected that members of the Selection Committee will act as ‘ambassadors’ for the Prize and be helpful in disseminating knowledge about the Prize, in order to obtain many and relevant nominations.
Anyone can nominate, with the exception of members of the Selection Committee, employees of the Lundbeck Foundation or members of the Lundbeck Foundation’s BoD. Nomination is made online at the website of the Lundbeck Foundation.. The nomination shall include information on the nominee's name, age, gender and field of research, a short biography and a justification for nomination, based on a selected list of the nominees’ publications, and brief information about the nominator including relation to the nominee.
Self-nomination is not accepted.
The Selection Committee considers only candidates who have been nominated. Nominations of candidates who have not been selected are valid for 3 years.
Revised or re-nominations of earlier nominees are possible and encouraged, provided that nominees still fulfill the criteria for nomination.
Scoring the nominations: Shortly after the closure of the nomination period, the Selection Committee will score the nominations. Scores from individual selection committee members will be collated by the Secretariat and the collated scores will be circulated to all members the selection committee.
Development of individual shortlists: Prior to the first selection committee meeting (usually held in October of each year), each member of the selection committee will develop their own shortlist of topics and associated candidates. Each topic should be accompanied by a one sentence description and a list of potential external expert reviewers for the topic. The individual shortlists should be returned to the secretariat who will collate them and circulate the collated shortlists to the selection committee prior to the first selection committee meeting.
Selection committee meetings. The Selection Committee shall form a quorum when two thirds or more of all the members are present - physically or over the phone or by equivalent means of communication. All the members shall have the opportunity to participate in the transaction of any business, if possible.
First selection committee meeting (usually held in October each year). The purpose of the first selection committee meeting is to develop a final shortlist of topics and associated candidates. The selection committee should also identify and agree upon a list of external expert reviewers for each shortlisted topic. The meeting will commence by each member of the selection committee presenting their individual shortlists. These presentations will be followed by an open discussion to determine the final shortlist.
External review of shortlisted topics and candidates. On behalf of the selection committee, the secretariat shall solicit external reviews from the expert reviewers identified by the selection committee. External reviews will be provided to the selection committee in advance of the January selection committee. On behalf of the selection committee, the secretariat will perform research to ensure that the selection is made aware of any ethical issues related to the shortlisted candidates and topics.
Second selection committee meeting (usually held in January each year). The purpose of this meeting is to decide the winners of that year. The selection panel should discuss the prize worthiness of the topics and candidates, taking into account the opinions of the external reviews. In addition to the scientific merit of the topic and candidates, the selection committee should disclose knowledge of, and discuss any ethical issues related to any of the shortlisted topics and/candidates. The Selection Committee will normally vote during the selection process. Several votes may be necessary.
Roles of the Chair and Vice Chair. The primary responsibility of the Chair and Vice Chair is to facilitate the selection committee meetings and to ensure that the selection process proceeds in accordance with the terms of reference for The Brain Prize. As described under ‘Governance’, the Chair, together with the Vice Chair must also provide the written recommendation to the Research and Prize committee and short statement for each prize winner on the nature and significance of his/her research suitable for a press release. The Chair and Vice chair will also serve as the primary point of contact between the selection committee and secretariat. For the final vote, the Chair shall have the casting vote in the event of an equality of votes, but in all other instances the Chair, Vice Chair and the rest of the selection committee have equal say.
The names of nominees and the deliberations of the Selection Committee are and must always remain confidential. Only the names of the prize winners and the citations for these will be made public.
The members of the Selection Committee will be invited to Copenhagen for the prize ceremony, where the chairman of the Selection Committee shall present the citation for the selection of each prize winner.
The Selection Committee consists of between 9 and 12 members. Taken together the members of the Selection Committee shall represent the highest possible level of expertise within the field of brain research, including relevant and comprehensive knowledge about the international scientific world. In terms of scientific merit, recognition and knowledge, the members are expected to be outstanding and highly respected by the international scientific community.
No-one over the age of 75 years can be appointed or re-appointed.
The Selection Committee, the chairman and the vice-chairman of the Selection Committee are appointed by the BoD of the Foundation. The BoD shall consult the Selection Committee concerning the appointment of new members of the Selection Committee.
The Selection Committee should have at least 4 members having their primary affiliation at a European institution and at least 3 members having their primary affiliation outside Europe. No country, based on primary affiliation, should be represented by more than one third of the members.
- Impartiality
The Lundbeck Foundation applies the rules and principled codes of conduct governing impartiality described below. These are based on the Danish Public Administration Act's chapter 2 on impartiality. The impartiality rules are developed to ensure a balanced presence of professional expertise, transparency and impartiality in the Lundbeck Foundation’s decisions.
The rules apply to members of the Lundbeck Foundation’s board of directors, members of the Foundation's grant and selection committees, external reviewers, executive management, and others who have an influence on the Foundation's decisions on award of grants and prizes.
A person will be deemed to have a conflict of interest and therefore excluded from the decision-making process in a specific case, if said person has a personal or economic interest in the outcome of the specific case:
- Said person has a familial relationship to the applicant, i.e. spouse/cohabiting partner (current and former), relation or relation by marriage in direct line of ascent or descent, relation such as a niece or nephew or another close relation with a personal or economic interest in the outcome of the specific case.
- Said person is or has previously been a supervisor for, or supervisee of the candidate or, in any other way has collaborated closely with the candidate within the past five years,
- Said person has released a publication together with the candidate within the past five years
- Said person has been in a close academic collaboration within the past five years or aims to enter into a close, academic collaboration with the candidate during the year following the award of The Brain Prize.
- Said person is employed in the same academic department as the candidate
- The candidate is in a research team of which said person is a member or has been a member within the past five years.
A person who has a conflict of interest, or in a specific case may be in doubt, is required to notify the Lundbeck Foundation of such in advance and describe the nature of the conflict of interest. The chairman of the Brain Prize selection committee will decide, together with the administration, whether the conflict of interest will be upheld. Non-compliance will be considered a breach of the rules governing impartiality.
In the event of a conflict of interest a selection committee member who has a conflict of interest with a nominee cannot take part in any decision-making process that includes said nominee, nor participate in the discussion of said nominee or the group of candidates of which the said nominee is part.
Specifically, during the voting rounds of The Brain Prize selection process a selection committee member who has a conflict of interest cannot participate if said nominee is a candidate for the voting.
The following consequences will apply if breach of Lundbeck Foundation's impartiality rules can be proven:
- The evaluation of the candidate must be repeated without the influence of disqualified members in the same way as if the impartiality rules had not been breached.
- All cases of breach or circumvention of the impartiality rules must be reported to the Foundation's board of directors, which will take charge of the further processing of the case.
Members of the Selection Committee are appointed for a period of time corresponding to the awarding of two prizes. Re-appointment may take place twice, meaning that no member can be involved in awarding more than 6 prizes. Members of the selection committee will be appointed as Chair or Vice Chair for a period of 2 years. This may be extended for an additional 2 years at the Lundbeck Foundation’s discretion.
The members shall receive remuneration for their work, determined by The BoD.
Provided that proper notice has been given of a meeting, the Selection Committee shall form a quorum when two thirds or more of all the members are present - physically or over the phone or by equivalent means of communication. All the members shall have the opportunity to participate in the transaction of any business, if possible.
Any member dissenting from a resolution of the Selection Committee is entitled to have his/her dissenting opinion entered in the minute book.
- Attendance of the Director of The Brain Prize
Serving as executive secretary for the Selection Committee, the Director of The Brain Prize and relevant staff from the Grants and Prizes Department are entitled to attend in full at meetings.
The meetings and deliberations of the Selection Committee shall be strictly confidential. The members shall not divulge to third parties any information disclosed to them in the execution of their duties as members of the committee. The members shall keep in a proper manner all material provided to them by reason of their membership.
The Director of The Brain Prize represents the Foundation in matters pertinent to The Brain Prize. The Director of Science may represent the Brain Prize when necessary or appropriate. No member of the Selection Committee shall, without the permission of the Director of Research and/or the Director of The Brain Prize, make any statement to the mass media or otherwise communicate the affairs of the Foundation and/or The Brain Prize to third parties or the public. This shall be the case also after a member retires from the Selection Committee.
All members of the Selection Committee shall sign these terms of reference and thereby declare that they have read and understood the requirements hereof. Upon appointment, any new member shall be informed of these Terms of Reference and by signing the Terms of Reference the member declares having read and understood the requirement hereof.
These Terms of Reference may be altered, amended or added to at the discretion of the BoD of the Foundation.
Approved by the Lundbeck Foundation BoD March 12 2025
- Forretningsorden for Grants and Prizes Panelet
(Kun på engelsk)
1. Objective
The BoD of the Lundbeck Foundation has set up a Grants and Prizes Panel (G&P Panel), the overall objective of which is to ensure the quality of the implementation of the grant strategy, to handle applications for LF Professorships, LF Fellowships and LF Collaborative Projects and to advise the Lundbeck Foundation's BoD in relation to health sciences, strategic topics and policy topics under the Trusts Deed’s § 6 (C, D, E, F, G, H).
2. Tasks/responsibilities
Each year the BoD establishes the Foundation’s grant strategy. Within the current allocation of grants across grant instruments the G&P Panel is responsible for:
- Assessing Expressions of Interest for LF Professorships
- Shortlisting Expressions of Interest for full applications and peer review of LF Professorships
- Interviewing selected candidates for LF Professorships
- Approving LF Professorship Grants (by mandate)BoD
- Assessing applications for LF Fellowships
- Shortlisting applications for peer review for LF Fellowships
- Interviewing selected candidates for LF Fellowships
- Approving LF Fellowship grants (by mandate)BoD
- Assessing Expression of Interest for LF Collaborative Projects
- Shortlisting applications for full applications and peer review for LF Collaborative Projects
- Interviewing selected candidates for LF Collaborative Projects
- Approving LF Collaborative Project grants (by mandate)BoD
- Providing advice to the BoD in matters pertinent to health sciences, strategic as well as policy topics within the framework of the current strategy.
3. Members and appointment
The G&P panel consists of six members: the three members of the Research and Prize Committee and three external members. The Panel's external members are appointed by the BoD and it is intended that half of the panel members are from outside of Denmark. The chairman of the Research and Prize Committee is the Chairman of the panel. The panel will meet twice per year for up to three full days per meeting.
4. Term
In the Panel, the three members of the Research and Prize committee shall be appointed for a period of one year with the possibility of reappointment cf. the rules for members elected according to the trust deed of the foundation. The three external members are appointed for one year at a time with the possibility of re-appointment. The external members of the Panel can serve in the panel for a maximum of six years.
5. Assessment of applications for LF Professorships
The assessment may take place every second year and will be divided into two steps:
Step 1
Expressions of Interest are evaluated by the G&P Panel who select which applications will be invited to submit full applications and continue to the next step.
Step 2
Selected full applications are peer reviewed by three external, international experts who provide the Foundation with a written report. Applicants will be invited to comment on the written reports. Selected applicants will be invited to an interview by the G&P Panel. Based on the application, three independent peer reviews, the applicants’ written reply to the peer review and interviews with applicants, the G&P Panel will prioritize the application for funding or rejection and based on the mandate provided by the Foundation’s BoD either make the final decision or forward a recommendation for the final decision by the BoD.
6. Assessment of applications for LF Fellowships
The assessment is annually and will be divided into two steps:
Step 1
Applications are evaluated by the G&P Panel who select which applications will continue to the next step.
Step 2
Selected applications are peer reviewed by three external, international experts who then provide the Foundation with a written report. Applicants will be invited to comment on the written reports. Selected applicants will be invited to an interview by the G&P Panel. Based on the application, three independent peer reviews, the applicants’ written reply to the peer review and interviews with applicants, the G&P Panel will prioritize the application for funding or rejection and based on the mandate provided by the Foundation’s BoD either make the final decision or forward a recommendation for the final decision by the BoD.
6. Assessment of applications for Collaborative Projects
The assessment may take place every second year alternating with the LF Professorship programme and the assessment will be divided into two steps:
Step 1.
Expressions of interest are evaluated by the G&P Panel who select the applicants to be invited to submit a full application and proceed to the next step.
Step 2.
The full applications are peer reviewed by three external, international experts, who then provide the Foundation with a written report. Applicants will be invited to comment on the written reports. Selected applicants will be invited to an interview by the G&P Panel. Based on the application, three independent peer reviews, the applicants’ written reply to the peer review and interviews with applicants, the G&P Panel will prioritize the application for funding or rejection and based on the mandate provided by the Foundation’s BoD either make the final decision or forward a recommendation for the final decision by the BoD.
7. Rules of procedure
The Lundbeck Foundation sets the rules of procedure.
8. Secretariat
The G&P Department provides secretarial assistance to the panel.
9. Changes to the provisions and discontinuation of the panel
The Lundbeck Foundation BoD decides on the discontinuation of the Panel and on changes to the provisions by decisions made at a meeting of the BoD.
Approved by the Lundbeck Foundation BoD on 12 March 2025
- Forretningsorden for Talentpanelet
(Kun på engelsk)
1. Objective
The BoD of the Lundbeck Foundation has set up a Lundbeck Foundation Talent Panel (the Panel), the overall objective of which is to ensure the quality of the implementation of the grants strategy, to handle applications for LF Early-Career Clinician Scientist, LF Postdocs and LF Ascending Investigators and LF Experiment and to grant LF Early-Career Clinician Scientist, LF Postdocs and, LF Ascending Investigators and suggest candidates for LF Experiment according to the grant allocation mandate issued by the LF BoD. .
2. Tasks/responsibilities
Each year the BoD establishes the Foundation’s grants strategy. Within the current allocation of grants across grant instruments the Panel is responsible for:
- Assessing applications for LF Early-Career Clinician Scientists
- Grant LF Early-Career Clinician Scientists
- Assessing applications for LF Postdocs
- Grant LF Postdocs
- Assessing applications for LF Ascending Investigators
- Grant LF Ascending Investigators
- Assessing applications for LF Experiment
- Grant LF Experiments, subject only to the foundation’s Research and Prize Committee's right to decline if the applicant does not have the necessary qualifications.
3. Members and appointment
The Panel consists of 13-17 members. The Panel members, the chairman and the vice-chairman are appointed by the Research and Prize Committee. The Panel will meet twice per year for one-day meetings.
4. Term
The Panel members are appointed for a three-year term which might be renewed at the discretion of Research and Prize Committee for an additional three years. After each round, the chairmanship and Grants and Prizes department (G&P) will evaluate the work of the Panel and discuss if changes are needed in representation of areas of expertise reflecting the research-areas represented in the submitted applications.
5. Assessment of applications for LF Postdocs and LF Early-Career Clinician Scientist grants
The assessment takes place once per year and will be divided into two steps:
Step 1
Applications are reviewed individually by 3-4 Panel members, who serve as main reviewers. Scores and comments are collected by the foundation prior to the Panel’s meetings.
Step 2
At the Panel’s one-day meetings, the Panel discusses applications according to the scores harvested under step 1. Based on the pre-meeting scores and the Panel’s discussions, decision on full or partial grant or rejection of the application is made by the Panel. The Panel’s decision is final, and applicants receive notice of grant or rejection immediately after the Panel meeting.
The LF Postdoc and LF Early-Career Clinician Scientist will be assessed in different sessions where the Talent panel members evaluating the LF Early-Career Clinician Scientist grants will be selected among the Talent Panel members with a research background in clinical research.
6. Assessment of applications for LF I Established Investigator grants
The assessment takes place once per year and will be divided into two steps:
Step 1
Applications are reviewed individually by 3-4 Panel members, who serve as main reviewers. Scores and comments are collected by the foundation prior to the Panel’s meetings.
Step 2
At the Panel’s one-day meetings, the Panel discusses applications according to the scores harvested under step 1. Based on the pre-meeting scores and the Panel’s discussions, decision on full or partial grant or rejection of the application is made by the Panel. The Panel’s decision is final, and applicants receive notice of grant or rejection immediately after the Panel meeting.
7. Assessment of applications for LF Experiment
The assessment takes place once a year.
Step 1
Panel members are asked to individually on-line evaluate, grant or decline a limited number (up to 100 applications) of the entire number of short applications which only comprise a description of the scientific idea behind the project and an overview budget.
Step 2
The foundation’s Research and Prize Committee will assess the CV of the applicants whose applications have been chosen by the Panel to ensure that each applicant has the necessary qualifications to perform the research project. The Research and Prize Committee may decline funding of an application if it is obvious that the experience and qualifications of the applicant do not match the proposed research project. All other applications chosen by the Panel will be funded and applicants will receive a notice of grant or rejection after the Research and Prize Committees' review.
8. Rules of procedure
The Lundbeck Foundation Research and Prize Committee approves the rules of procedure for the Panel.
8. Secretariat
Grants & Prizes (G&P) provides secretarial assistance to the Panel.
9. Changes to the provisions and discontinuation of the Panel
The Lundbeck Foundation BoD decides on the discontinuation of the Panel. The Lundbeck Foundation Research and Prize Committee decides on changes to the provisions by decisions made at a meeting of the Committee.
Approved by the Lundbeck Foundation BoD on 12 March 2025